Friday, June 24, 2011


Spray on, sweat proof sunscreen spf 70- $8
Cross-trainers dusted off- $0
Gently used BoB Stroller- $300
Getting much needed exercise and making a fussy toddler happy and sleepy- PRICELESS.

Not so trendy Cross-Trainers
Spray on, sweat proof sunscreen

Peace and Quiet: Priceless
Fussy Toddler


  1. Aunty Nina,

    She was much fussier than that by the time we got out the door. Apparently applying sunscreen is as bad as brushing teeth if you are Ellie.

  2. Heidi! Thank you. Now I am sure I will get up early everyday and exercise since I have this awesome stroller. : )

  3. Little things mean a lot and turn out to be huge things!! Glad you are getting to do the jogging.

  4. Thanks Mom, but I am so not jogging. I will leave the jogging to Shell (and the injuries). I speed walk...well ok, maybe there isn't that much speed involved just yet, but I will get there. : )

  5. Hey Valery! Thanks so much for the sweet comment, ya made my day.

    First off, I think the cross trainers are stylen, I use the exact same sun block (it rocks) & how cute is that little luv-bug asleep in the stroller!

  6. Hey Melanie, it was true and so happy I made your day. That luv bug is seriously cute especially when she is sleeping.

  7. We got a double bob in anticipation of lots of workouts... still anticipating the workouts, but what do you expect in Seattle's rain? :) Regardless, bobs rock.

  8. Dear Anonymous, Send the rain our way please. Thank you.

    P.S. So happy I don't have to push a double Bob.


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