Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oasis in the Desert with Grandma

In the shade it was almost pleasant. Ellie loved the park.

Hairy Monsters...Apparently these are indigenous palms. They grow this large around the spring fed stream and lake here.

Ellie and Grandma

Our 3 to 1 Adult to toddler ratio was perfect. There was lots of water to fall into here. She really would have liked to have fallen in.


  1. Valary! I am dying from cuteness. Ellie's dress is too fabulous. And I love the shot of the palms.

  2. Those pics are SOOOOO cute! I may have to book a flight home soon so I can have brekbust with the little girl.

    Aunty Nina

  3. Heidi, Gap had a 30% off sale and I couldn't resist the dress. Thanks, I forgot just how cool the palms were at Philip's favorite park.

    Aunty Nina, We need you to come visit!

  4. Drake, Giant Killer Beehives! We've got killer bees here that attack old people and kill dogs. It's like a Stephen King horror flick round these parts.

  5. Ellie & Grandma are the cutest pair!


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