Monday, April 4, 2011

Ellie Beans Watching TV

I know TV watching isn't great for babies, but I really needed a shower.


  1. OMG, this is the cutest thing I have seen all day! Look at her, like she knows you're taking a picture but she's not gonna look away from that TV. Also, I totally use the boob tube as a babysitter so I can get a shower!

  2. Thanks, you are so very sweet about my not so great photos. Seriously Heidi, when I don't have her watch TV, she is all crying at the shower door like I deserted her.

  3. I"ll bet that is the only time she is still unless she is asleep. She must get tired from all that activity she does, I think she needs some quiet down time. so, so, cute and cuddly.

  4. Oh.. how I wish we had a TV upstairs. There are some days where I think I might just have to stink until she naps. Our TV isn't on the floor with the shower. TV is how I make dinner though :)

  5. Nessa, I know about stinking til nap time. I think I will title my next blog "Stinking Momma".


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