Sunday, December 12, 2010

You Are My I Love you

Happy Birthday my tiny non-sleeping baby. I can't believe it has been a year since we brought all 5 lbs and 4 ounces of you home with us. So much has happened in your one year. I have no idea what life was like without you. (I have forgotten cuz of lack of sleep. I officially have Momheimers.) I think that is why I started this blog. So I could remember your babyhood.

Now that you are 12 months old you are talking up a storm. Not all of it is understandable or decipherable.  Here is a list of the words and phrases you have uttered so far:  Dada, Mama, mine, I do, I get, I want. "Mom, have? Mom, want? Apple, Bath, (pronounced baff) Gamamama, Philip or Bup. Puff.  Bunny or bun-bun, (name for your blankie). Num or nummy (when you want to nurse and take a nap).

You kiss the cats way more than we would like you to. You crawl everywhere. So far you have stayed away from the cat boxes. You still wake once or twice in the middle of the night if we are lucky. You love your fuzzy bunny blanket and sleeping without it is out of the question. You do something new everyday. You always have a smile for us. You love your brother. You are our Ellie Beans. You are My I love You. 


  1. Valary! Hello! I love this post and the photo. Happy Birthday dear Ellie! Your goal for the coming year is to let mama sleep so she can recover from Momheimers! Enjoy your special day sweetie.

  2. I am so proud to have been in her life since birth and the 6 mos. after. I have enjoyed this Ellie so much. who would be so fortunate as to to have a baby in your life again after 70? You left out bad and dam as new words and I heard them. I had a great time with her on her 1st bd.
    Love that baby!!!! Grandmom

  3. Hey Heidi, Loverly to hear from you. That is a lovely goal. It would so amazing to have a fully functioning brain. I will let Ellie know. I am sure she will be totally down with sleeping thru the night.

  4. Mom, It was nice to have you and Dad here for the week. Ellie grabbed the phone yesterday and said, Granmamama. I think she wanted to talk to you. I will call you when I get back from the dentist today. Love ya.


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