Friday, December 31, 2010

Ellie's New Year's Eve Eve Present to Us

We went out to dinner last night after doing a little shopping. It was late to have little girl out and about but she was doing ok and wasn't fussing. She was just wild and yelling. But the restaurant was really noisy and no one seemed to notice the tiny, sweet, very loud little girl in the high chair. That is until she suddenly and without warning projectile vomited all over the table and floor of the restaurant. Hubby said he wished he had video taped mine and Philip's expressions as she vomited everywhere. I don't remember being that amused by it. Babies are not supposed to produce that much vomit. The waitress was sweet about it all. We left her a big tip along with the vomit.
I discovered what must have caused the vomiting. I inadvertently gave little girl sour milk in her bottle. Before we went to dinner we stopped at a Circle K and Simon ran in and got milk for her. I opened the milk and filled her bottle. Didn't think to taste it or smell it. (It is the no hormones whole cows milk that I have been feeding her since she turned a year old). (I am slowly trying to wean her from Momma's milk). So she drank a whole bottle full of sour milk. I thought to smell the milk I had given her only after she had vomited. Cuz I'm quick like that.


  1. Poor Ellie! There was a good bit of public vomiting in Dublin last night...but I don't think it was from sour milk.

    Auntie Nina

  2. Glad she recovered enough so you didn't have to go home right away. Better the vomit soon than the belly ache later. happy new year. finally got to 16 degrees while ago after being -11.Lots of sliding around and fun with the atvs on the snow packed road. didn't sand these in front of our house.

  3. I called the Shamrock dairy and told them circle K was selling Shamrock whole milk that was sour. The customer rep was very nice and said she would send me certificates for free milk. Shamrock Dairy I love you. Cuz I am easy like that.


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