Friday, September 24, 2010

I LOVE My Life

I love my life. It isn't perfect by any means but I love it all the same. So this is my love list.
I love the sound of my baby girl happily playing in her crib first thing in the morning. (Even if it is 5:30am)
I love the sight of my husband loading the dishwasher.
I love the smell of my freshly showered, teeth brushed son in the morning.
I love sipping a hot mug of tea.
I love sitting with my hubby, chatting.
I love the smell of the desert.
I love it when baby girl says, "Mama" and is looking right at me with arms outstretched.
I love the sound of the far off train whistle in the middle of the night.
I love that I can stay home with my baby girl and not miss a moment.
I love that hubby works from home 3 days a week.
I love that my son talks to me (a lot) when he gets home from school.
I love when hubby calls as he is leaving work to see if I need anything from the grocery store.
I love that both my sisters and my Mom call me every week.
I love when my son plays with his sister and makes her laugh. 

I could go on but baby girl is down by my feet tugging on the cord to the keyboard. Darn, that crawling stuff.

1 comment:

  1. thanks, hubby laughed about the dishwasher loading line. But seriously, nothing more smexy than a man doing housework.


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