Monday, January 31, 2011

What a Week!

Bun-bun love.
My poor little neglected blog. I have good excuses though. No, really I do. A week ago Saturday my sister flew in from Ireland just in time to babysit because my fit and healthy hubby had some sort of fainting/seizure thingie at work and was hospitalized for three days. My parents were driving down from Utah the same day hubby decided to be all dramatic. So we had a party. No, it was actually really great that I had them all here when it all went down. Not sure how Philip and Ellie would have coped. Philip still isn't the most confident babysitter. (He likes us to be around "just in case" when he watches her). So Simon is good and back to work. His doctor now just needs to figure out what the deal is with him. They eliminated all the really scary stuff with all the tests they did on him. Which is a very good thing. So all in all, things worked out well. My family was so helpful and I am so blessed I have them. I am really happy to have the hubby home again. (The dishwasher loading fairy took time off while he was gone). Oh, I almost forgot to tell you the biggest news of all. THE ELLIE IS SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! Life is good.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mean Mom Pictorial

Playing in the cupboard is fun

Until you fall out

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This is how The Ellie looks most days, peering through her hair. Cuz, she just won't leave the  clip in her hair.
This is how we wished her hair looked everyday.

But who's complaining?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My heart goes out to all the victims of Saturday's shooting here in Tucson

When Simon and I first heard the news of the shooting of our district 8 Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and many of the people there to see her on Saturday, we were just completely stunned. Then we were ashamed to be from Tucson. Then, as we listened to the stories of heroism and how so many people there responded to help in the aftermath of the shooting. We were so proud. Those were our neighbors rushing into help. From the first responders, to the man who hit the shooter with a folding chair and helped subdue him.

I confess, I haven't posted or taken one photo since the mass shooting here. I have been overwhelmed trying to process it all. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims. We have had so many conversations at our house now about it all. We have come to the conclusion that words have meaning. We need to weigh our words so much more carefully towards others. Not only in our own families, but in public forums and in public discussions. We need to teach our children civility. (Believe me, that ain't easy. I have a teenager. I know). We can not say anything we please, words have consequences. From the really painful things that kids say to each other, to the mean things that husbands and wives at times say to one another. We have to filter ourselves. In the heat of the moment or the heat of a tight political race. Words have meaning and you can't ever take them back. We need to teach our children empathy. We need to teach our children civility. We need to teach our children that others matter.

When little girl wakes up from her nap. I am taking the Philip and Ellie to pay our respects to all the victims of Saturday's shooting. We are so happy and really relieved that against all odds Gabby Giffords seems to have pulled through.  


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hey Da Da !!

Look at this Baby (She melts my heart everyday)

This photo is for the the prenatal nurse that questioned my sanity when I was 8 months pregnant with Ellie. The nurse was older, probably in her late 50's. She said, (as she was doing an ultrasound to check my amniotic fluid) "You do know that you will be sixty when this baby is fifteen years old don't you?" I laughed, and then I said my son is seventeen now and was a sweet and well behaved fifteen year old. So I don't think it will be that big of a deal. What I really wanted to say was...No Shit Sherlock, I can do simple addition, thank you very much! And really, is it any of your fucking business? (Sorry Mom for using the f-bomb, but it was appropriate). So Miss Judgey Judgerson Prenatal Nurse, just look at this baby. I would have missed this if I had been thinking like you.